Make A Way

Media: Tempera and acrylic on canvas

This painting is the cover for this site’s homepage.

It was made at a time during which basically every aspect of my life was very uncertain. I myself felt lonely and lost, yet somehow, eventually, in the midst of all the chaos, He made a way.

And He still does make a way through every one of our deserts, mountains, valleys, and every other terrain in between.

But not only does He make a way through the mountains of stress, valleys of fear, oceans of adversity or deserts of loneliness we might face. More importantly, He makes a way inside us – He prunes and beautifies our souls every time that His faithfulness plants hope in our lives, every time His forgiveness cleanses us, every time His grace pours peace into our hearts, and every time – again and again – that His voice calms the stormy winds within us, moving away the clouds to reveal His endless light, that we might see and draw closer to Him.

For no matter where we are this side of eternity, as we trust in Him, He guides us with His counsel and leads us to a glorious destiny (Psalm 73).

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